Tentative STATE schedule:
Andover first round bout#
- BOUT 8 |
106AAA Champ. Round 1 Nolan Enderlein (Eastview) vs Brandon Board (Andover) |
- BOUT 88 |
182AAA Champ. Round 1 Nolan Israelson (Andover) vs Cole Edwards (Prior Lake) |
- BOUT 89 |
195AAA Champ. Round 1 Max McEnelly (Waconia) vs Tramaine Davis (Andover) |
- BOUT 102 |
220AAA Champ. Round 1 Austin Leflay (Hastings) vs Nate Beberg (Andover) |
Our High School Banquet will be on Tuesday, March 8. Social at 5:30, Dinner at 6:00PM; speeches and recognitions to follow. If you have any questions please reach out to our HS Events Director Janet Surgenor, hsevents@andoverwrestling.org
Wrestlers, Managers, and Coaches will be hosted by the booster club. Please register your wrestler/manager and purchase any additional meals using the registration link provided BY FEBRUARY 24.
See you March 8!
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